🤬So disappointing that another Aotearoa "institution" seems to be open to $$lobbying & influence, and is out of step with actual factual evidence that would be expected to inform their decisions if they were truly looking out for safety on the net for vulnerable young minds.

🤷🏾‍♀️Personally don't need research to tell me ADULTS have been harmed by exposure to social media (although there is a lot of it) so of course kids will be as well, with naturally a much bigger risk due to emotional & brain development being in the formative stages - much like Cannabis & alcohol consumption in young people can adversely affect them for life.

I can see difficulties with adults & older teens helping kids get around any ban or restriction, but same happens with (again) drugs & alcohol & we don't just throw our hands up and have open slather because SOME break the law eh?

🙋🏽‍♀️So maybe not "Watergate", but definitely worth drawing attention to 👍🏾

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Netsafe has got itself involved in some seriously minor online squabbles between people I know before, twitter bickering and the like, and seemed to appoint itself as the online police. I couldn't believe it and haven't really taken them seriously ever since. This is more evidence they're not worth paying attention to!

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