It always happens! As soon as you point something out, the contradiction pops up, and sure enough, here’s the NY Times with their less article including that position (and then his walking it back).

I take your point re the media trying to force narratives into a left/right dichotomy, though.

(Article free to read)


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What a dirty trick! Getting me to approve ANYTHING TFG says 🥹(the former guy for non-US politics followers..) Definitely admit to a) some bias in giving credit to someone I like as opposed to someone I abhor but b) being able to support what I think is a GOOD idea, regardless. After all, if their followers get on board because they are cult members, more chance of getting it done I reckon.

Not surprised that media outlets etc. are more interested in research that SUPPORTS their worldview - if they have one i..e. Fox News in the US & NZ Herald in Aotearoa! And it goes without saying for bloggers & podcasters & rightwing radio hosts 🤷🏾‍♀️ as well as left leaning - not many people who share information that goes against their whole schtick eh? Look forward to the full interview - invaluable in the current climate of mis/disinformation & media bias during critical times for being well informed.

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It's an interesting point. Especially as someone who has successfully been down the IVF road. It's perhaps an interesting way of illustrating where journalistic skill in parsing information could/can be necessary. There's not enough comments to invoke Godwin's law so I'll finish to say I look forward to the interview!

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