Excellent interview and such interesting research. I feel so lucky to have come of age before smartphones and social media fully rotted our brains. I finished school in 2008, so we had facebook but it was something I did on the computer and then went out and saw my friends. The level of mental illness and mental distress caused by social media is so massive. And dare I say it, the increase in attention deficit disorder, which has had enormous rises in diagnosis. Social media and smartphones have shortened my attention span I'm sure of it.

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Excellent interview on an important issue. It helps to have both audio and text (I prefer to listen to the audio first, then review the text). It’s good to have options.

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Good stuff thanks for the feedback

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I heard the interview on your radio show but am super pleased to have transcript as well. It’s great to be able to quote a few statistics when I bore the kids with another rant on phone time.

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Haha thanks Lesley I feel the same!

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