Aug 25Liked by Jesse Mulligan

Outstanding column Jesse - a great discussion on an oh-so-important topic. Thank you for doing your bit to build bridges rather than polarise a debate. .

A few years ago Kathryn Ryan (I think) interviewed a guest on the them "getting to a draw". It was illuminating along the same lines as your column.

Keep up the great work..

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Your job is SOOOO cool! I enjoy listening to these interviews, but it seems like you do a fair amount of research before, and then get to have such fascinating discussions...

The art of real debate? If your team has to argue the side you don't agree with in structured debate (rather than around the dinner table with Uncle!) it can be both educational and surprising what you learn, and often it is the best way to formulate points of discussion with Uncle as well. Not to mention SOMETIMES it actually changes your mind!

Telling people they are stupid just makes them dig in, and telling them their "community" is misinforming them (deliberately or not) doesn't help either if that leaves them nowhere to go when they are already feeling disorientated by things that are hugely disruptive & consequential, as in your two examples.

So on climate change - yes there may be more Polar bears - is it because a) we are better at counting them and/or discovered new populations that were always there? b) because huge conservation efforts have ameliorated the damage to date? and c) doesn't mean their habitat isn't being adversely affected at an increasing rate that will reverse this trend.

The whys behind the stats are always the REAL argument. 

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