Sep 8Liked by Jesse Mulligan

Loved reading this Jesse and you are intuitively hitting on something very well known in psychological circles! You are describing the two different kinds of happiness: hedonic happiness (the instant kiwi-candy crush-porn / momentary pleasure) and eudaimonic happiness which comes from authenticity, meaning, and growth and is often connected to our values. The combo deal is the dream right?!

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Thank you! I included and then deleted the words "dopamine" and "seratonin" because I suspect it would be too easy to divide these sorts of fun between them? Your words seem much more useful!

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๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ฏPerfect! No "notes" ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ - it was simpler/easier when I was growing up relatively poor & the internet & "devices" weren't a thing. "Type two" was going down the street to play with friends, going with Dad fishing & sitting on the river bank while he had his own "type two" break (if the children behaved!), or going to visit family & playing with cousins, and of course reading books. Probably why I grew up choosing nature as recreation & employment, and take my devices to the beach or camping so I can READ on them while being in the fresh air!

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So true.

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